The Blue Light

The power of the Lord manifested in my living room one day as I napped on the couch with a blanket on me. At once I was in The Spirit and I was in heaven flying around yelling and screaming with joy! I felt so free and full of so much joy. I didn’t see any details of Heaven just The White Light – God’s Glory!

After a while I felt like I was falling downwards and then I stopped falling. I kind of knew I was in a different place but I wasn’t sure where I was. I saw this type of “blue” light and it had darkish round forms that I couldn’t focus on. So I’m just looking and trying to figure out where I was.

Everyone has heard of “The White Light” experience, but “the blue light with fuzzy round things”? Nope – I guess I was the first. After a while I just happened to move my arm and my BLUE blanket moved off from covering my eyes. I was back on my couch and the blanket had been over my eyes. LOL! Whew! God sure has a sense of humor by pulling it over my eyes!

Incidentally, I’ve heard of even none-believers seeing “The White Light” during an out of body experience. I believe that God was trying to whet their spiritual appetite to become a Born-Again Christian.

Hopefully they will continue on in their spiritual quest and to find Jesus as their Savior, since the reality of Heaven was revealed to them,

because the flip side of that Coin is the reality of Hell.

Adventures in The Holy Spirit !