My Chariot of Fire Experience!

2 Kings 2:11   "As they were going along and talking, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire which separated the two of them. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind to heaven."

     I know that this is actually too wild to admit to unless it really happened. Believe it or not – it really DID happen! In November of 2003 about six months before I left Las Cruces, NM to move back to the Miami, FL area. I had fallen asleep in my living room on the sofa when the power of The Lord fell on me and woke me up. The intensity of His power was extreme and immediate. I knew in an instant what was happening.

     As soon as I woke, the awesome power of The Lord was manifested and totally consuming me. I could see fire all around and I could see at least two fiery horses right in front of me. There could have been 4 or 6 of them, but because of the flames there were at least two figures. I remember reading some biblical commentaries about the horses being angels or some thing to that effect. All I can say is The Holy Spirit was totally engulfing me, the chariot and the horses!

     Something I really never thought about were: The Reins. I had the reins to the horses in my hands and I could feel the INTENSE strength of The Holy Spirit within me holding the horses under control.It was as if it wasn’t me holding the reins, but The Spirit within me. I’ve seen paintings of Elijah and the Fiery Chariot from through out history and sometimes the paintings will show just Elijah or sometimes they will show an angel driving Elijah.

     I know Elijah had the reins himself. What does The Scriptures say abut Elijah? James 5:17Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. [James 5:18] And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit. Elijah was a PRAYING man. Elijah wasn’t an angel or a totally different class of being. He was a person just like me – just like you. Because he was a person just like all of us.

     * The Amplified Bible goes into even more detail about this scripture. (I’ll try to get a link or paste a quote from it here) Elijah had a nature, a constitution, feelings, affections, etc. and he prayed earnestly. The most intense experiences that I’ve had were the times I spent and my knees and on my face before The Lord. I’m always trying to calm a storm or some sort of spiritual warfare to wage. I really do try to keep life simple and focus on standing in the gap concerning things The Lord puts on my heart.

      Anyway, God Bless, and remember this: you can always at least pray! YOU DO have the potential to be an Elijah of God!

( And no, I’m not THE Elijah. See “About Me” )

1Thes 4:17 “Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.”

Adventures in The Holy Spirit !